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Bowles Documents
The Will of Gideon Bowles 1734 - 1798
This abstracted will of Gideon Bowles was presented by Payton Randolph
Chapter DAR, Los Angeles, CA. A certified copy is owned by Mrs Glen LeRoy Shivel, LA, CA.
In the name of God Amen, I Gideon BOWLES of the county of Goochland, VA. do make and
ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form following, to-wit:
First: I lend unto my daughters Sarah, Elizabeth, Judith, and Nancy the house and
plantation whereon I now live during their and each of their single lives and at their
marriage or death, I devise the same to all my children in equal portions share and share
alike. He also lends to "my said daughters" one negro woman by name of Sibba and
her future increase and one of my best work horses.
Items: Whereas I have heretofore lent unto my daughter, Mary MALLORY, one negro woman
called Jenny. I devise the said negro be brought into hatch pott and her value equally
divided amongst all my children. He also wills one cow and calf and one bed and
furniture(each separately) to his four single daughters, previously named, and the same to
two sons, Clairborne and William.
Item: All the rest and residue of my estate of whatsoever kind it may consist, I desire
should be equally divided between my twelve children named to-wit: Patsy GAINES, Jenny
THOMAS, Sarah, Hughes, Nathan, Anderson, Mary MALLORY, Betsy(Elizabeth), Clairborne,
Judith, William, and Nancy---to them and their heirs forever.
Appoints "My friend Stephen Grange, my sons Anderson and Nathan executors.
Made May 1st, 1796
Gideon Bowles
Flemming PAYNE
Tarlton PAYNE
Will proved 16 Sep 1799. Goochland Co VA.
The Will of Anderson Bowles 1764 - 1812
I Anderson BOWLES of Barren County, and State of Kentucky in perfect mind and memory do
make this my last will and testament revoking all former will or wills.
Items I give and bequeath to my sister Ginsy Bowles and her heirs forever one sorrell
horse colt and two stears and one year old hefer.
Item 2nd. I give and bequeath to my brother Sackkyriah Bowles one grey mare and one cow
and calf.
Signed and sealed. publishes? and declares this to be my last Will and Testament this 25th
day of April 1811.
In presents of:
Thomas Jonson Anderson x Bowles
Jacky Bowles
Clarbourn Bowles
Will proved in May County Court, 1811 Barren Co.KY
Probate Records for Caleb Bowles
Caleb Bowles died unexpectedly at the age of 48 in 1836, intestate. The estate had not been completely settled when his wife Mary died in December 1840. These records can be found in the files of the Missouri Circuit Court, Probate Division, case # 1272. In addition to the following records there are quite a few other records on file.
Inventory of Estate
Inventory of the Estate of Caleb Bowles Deceased of all the Real and personal property that has come to the Knowledge of the Administrator up to this date July 10th 1836
No. 1
One Deed from George Sips to Sarah his wife executed on the 27th day of April 1818 Acknowledged before Thomas Sappington J.P. For 100 Acres of Land Situate on the South side of the Merrimack River Township of Joachim St. Louis County Mo. Recorded in Book G. pages 186 and following by Archibald Gamble on the 30th day of May 1818
One Deed from William L Long and Elizabeth his wife executed on the 21st day of March 1827 Acknowledged before Thomas Sappington J. P. For 156 Arpens [acres?] of Land Situate on the West side of the Merrimack River St. Louis County Mo.. Recorded in Book N. page 407 on the 15th day of May 1827 be Archibald Gamble.
One Deed from William Crawford and Catharine his wife Executed on the 5th day of April 1835 before Thomas Sappington J.P. For 143 Acres and 60/100s Situate on West Bank of the River Merrimek in County of St. Louis Mo. Recorded in Book U page 349 on the 4th day of May 1835 By Archibald Gamble
An obligation signed by James McCormick of the County of St. Louis State of Mo. To make a good and Sufficient Title to one half of a Town lot in the Town of Fenton. (no description of the lot is given in the obligation) Signed on the 18th of April 1820
No. 2
Cash Recvd by Admis. At the time of making this Givt [Gift] $114.03
1 note of hand signed by Samuel Sips on the 26th day of Decr. 1835 payable on the 18th of Novr. 1836 $55.50
1 Due Bill Signed by Mason Dougherty for $50.00 (no date) to be paid when demanded
1 Negro Man (Simon) Aged 28 Slave for life
1 Do Boy (Samuel) " 13 Do " Do [most likely do is short for ditto]
1 Bureau 1 Do 1 Cupboard 1 Clothes Preſs Wrighting Table and Book Case Dinning Table Wooden Clock Candle Stand Looking Glaſs Frame of Do 14 Split Bottomed Chairs - 6 Fraims of Do 2 Feather Beds and Bedding 5 head of horses 22 head of horned Cattle Horse Cart & geer 2 Carey Ploughs 1 Coalter Grind Stone Turners Lathe and Tools 7 plains Hand Axe Broad Axe Cros Cut Saw Hand Saw Tenant [tenon] Saw Work Bench Shaving Horse Rifle Gun 2 pair horse Geers one Stretcher 1 pair Double Trees 2 Clevises 2 Weeding hoes Grubbing Hoe Spade Sythe & Cradle Mowing Sythe Set of Irons for Wheat Fan 33 head of hogs Painters Flag to grind Paint Carpenters Adze Books
2 Volumes Coaks Commentary on the Bible 2 Do Wesleys Philosophy 1 Do Universal Vocabulary 1 Do Conversations on Chemistry 1 Do life of Doct Coke 1 Do Herveys Meditations 1 Do Gold Smiths Roman History Do history of Greece 1 Do Moniter 1 Do Guthries Arithmetic 1 Do Family Advisor 1 Do Afflicted Mans Companion 1 Do Blue Laws of Connecticut 1 Do Murrays Grammar 1 Do Pocket Companion 1 Do Becks Gazette Mo. & Illinois 1 Do Memoirs of Mrs. Ramsey 2 Do Music Books 1 Do Laws of Miſsouri (Geyers Digest) - 1 Cooper Adze 1 Volume Ovids Art of Love 7 plains 1 small frow Bench Clamp Glue Pot Oil Stone 3 Augers
Court Petition 2 June 1843
To the Honorable
The Judge of the Probate Court. The petition of the undersigned respectfully showith that Caleb Bowles of the County of Saint Louis died in May eighteen hundred and thirty six. That said Bowles died intestate leaving his wife Mary Bowles and nine children Viz: Anderson Bowles, Joseph T Bowles, Elisabeth Harbison wife of Thomas Harbison, Jinsey (Jane) wife of Samuel T. Vandover (The foregoing are the children by the first wife of said Bowles) and Margaret Jane wife of Thomas Burns, William H., John W., George and Caleb Bowles Children of the late Mary Bowles deceased each entitled to one tenth part of the proceeds of the slaves and other personal property of said deceased. And Whereas the said Mary Bowles died in Jany. Eighteen hundred and forty and Thomas D. Yeats being appointed her Administrator leaving the above named Margaret Jane, William H., John W., George and Caleb heirs as aforesaid. And whereas a final settlement of the Estate of said Caleb Bowles deceased is about to take place and there is a slave name Simon belonging to said Estate remaining undisposed of we the undersigned ask your Honor to make an order for the sale of said slave in order that partition may be had among the undersigned agreeable to their respective rights and they will as in duly bound ever pony [guess] as forth June 2nd 1843
Anderson Bowles
Joseph T Bowles
Samuel T Vandover
Thomas Byrns
Thomas Harbison
Thomas D. Yeats Adm. Of Mary Bowles decd.
Anderson Bowles Guardian William, Jno, W, Caleb & George Bowles
[one tenth share amounted to $222.75 and 7/10s
Court Petition 3 July 1843
State of Mifsouri
County of Saint Louis In the Probate Court for the County of Saint Louis June Term 1843
Thomas D Yeats Administrator
Of Caleb Bowles Decease Order of Sale of Slave
Now at this day come Thomas D. Yeats and presents here to the Court the petition of said Thomas D. Yeats as Administrator of Mary Bowles decease, Anderson Bowles, Joseph T Bowles, Samual T Vandover, Thomas Byrns, Thomas Harbison and Anderson Bowles as guardian of William H. Bowles, John W. Bowles, Caleb Bowles and George Bowles in which they set forth that Caleb Bowles died intestate in May Eighteen hundred and thirty six, that there is a Slave named Simon belonging to said Estate remaining undisposed of, that said intestate at the time of his death left in being the following named heirs to wit; Mary Bowles his widow and Anderson Bowles, Joseph T. Bowles, Elizabeth the wife of Thomas Harbison, Jane the wife of Samuel T. Vandover children of his first wife, and Margaret Jane the wife of Thomas Byrns, William H. Bowles, John W. Bowels, George Bowles and Caleb Bowles children of said Mary Bowles his widow deceased, that said Mary Bowles died in January in the Year Eighteen hundred and forty leaving the before named Margaret J., William H., John W., George and Caleb Bowels as her her heirs and that said Thomas D. Yeats is her administrator, that a final settlement of the Estate of Caleb Bowles deceased is about to take place, and praying the court to make an order for the sale of said Slave that partition may be had amongst the heirs of said deceased according the their respective rights therein where upon the court ascertain and determine that Anderson Bowles, Joseph T. Bowles, Elizabeth the wife of Thomas Harbison and Jane the wife of Samueld T. Vandover are each entitled to one tenth or five fiftieth parts thereof and the Margaret Jane the wife of Thomas Byrns, William H. Bowles, John W. Bowles, George Bowles and Caleb Bowles in their own right and as heirs of Mary Bowels deceased are each entitled to six fiftieth part thereof and it being manifest that a division cannot be made in kind, it is therefore ordered that Thomas D. Yeats administrator of said Caleb Bowles deceased do sell the said Slave Simon on the first Monday of September next at public auction or outcry at the Court house door in the City of Saint Louis between the hours of ten O'clock in the forenoon and for O'clock in the afternoon of that day for Cash that he give notice of the time, terms and place of said sale by publication in some newspaper printed in the County of Saint Louis at least twenty days before the day of sale and that he report his proceedings in the same to this court, on or before the second Monday of September next so that an order of distribution may be made amongst those entitled thereto
State of Miſsouri County of Saint Louis I Peter Furguson Judge of Probate of the Court of Saint Louis aforesaid do certify that the foregoing is a true Copy of the order made for the sale of Simon a Slave belonging to the Estate of Caleb Bowles deceased as the same now remains of Record in my office
Given under my hand and the seal of the Probate Court of the County of Saint Louis at office in the said County this third day of July in the Year of Our Lord One thousand Eight hundred and forty three
Peter Ferguson Judge of Probate